Fracture – First Colony Book 8 – Audio
Scott Aiello will be recording the book around mid-November, which means it will hopefully be available in December. Thanks for your patience in waiting for this audiobook. On the plus side is that First Colony Book 9 will be recorded in December, so the wait for that audiobook won’t be nearly as long.
What I’ve been doing?
Writing. Big surprise. I’m 70% through First Colony Book 9. I actually have a cover for it, which I’ll be revealing next month closer to the release of the book.
What’s next?
I’m planning my projects for the next eight months, which will take me through June. Among these projects will be First Colony Book 10 and a new series that I’ve been planing to start for a while. I wrote a novella called Acheron Rising, that is set in the universe I plan to write the series in. Acheron Rising is part of a multi-author anthology that will be released in early November. More on that in a few weeks.
Genesis – First Colony Book 1 has over 1,000 reviews!
This is a major milestone for me. Genesis was released about 2 years ago, and I continue to be humbled by the response. It’s invigorating and inspires me to continue to write the best stories that I can. Thank you. I announced this milestone in my Facebook Group – and someone felt terrible that they hadn’t left a review. Reviews are quite helpful, but if reviews aren’t your thing, then please don’t feel bad. One of the best compliments to an author’s work is to recommend one of their books to a friend.

That’s it for me. I’m going to get back to work. As always, thank you for reading.