Free book in June

Star Shroud – Book 1 of the Ascension series is FREE from today until June 6th! If you haven’t read the Ascension series, this is your chance to get started in a fun first contact series.

The Ascension series is a first contact story that begins with Star Shroud.

They've been watching us for hundreds of years.

Now they need our help.

Earth is not safe.

Kept secret for 60 years, the discovery of an alien signal forces an unlikely team to investigate a mysterious structure discovered in the furthest reaches of the solar system. Join the crew of the Athena, Earth’s most advanced spaceship on the ultimate journey beyond our wildest imagining.

Grab your copy of Star Shroud Here.

Status Update:

I’m a couple of weeks away from finishing the first draft of Acheron Inheritance, which is the first book in a new series. I’d initially intended to have the book completed and ready for release by the end of June. That’s not going to happen. I’ve pushed back the release of this book to September. 

3 months! 


A couple reasons. 

First, a confession. I can’t wait to share Acheron Inheritance with you. I’m the type of person who hates holding onto birthday presents because I can’t wait to give them to their intended recipients. The decision to delay the book release wasn’t reached without a lot of thought.

Second, Acheron Inheritance is a rich, ambitious story where I’m pushing my capabilities as a storyteller. I’m not a perfectionist, but my goal is to write stories that people enjoy reading. 

Third, I’m going to try to have the audiobook ready for when the book is finally released. There is usually a three-month gap or more between when a book is published and when the audiobook is available. I’m hoping schedules will align that will allow for this to happen.

What’s Acheron Inheritance about? A galaxy in turmoil. 

In the coming months, I’ll be sharing a lot more about the new series. It’s been a challenge and a lot of fun to write. 

I’m also in the planning stages of preparing to write Invasion – First Colony Book 11. Book 11! When I first started writing this series, I didn’t expect to write as many books in it as I’ve had. If you’ve read my author’s note at the end of Vigilance, then you’ll understand why. 

Invasion is another ambitious book and is the culmination of a long series arc. I’m aiming to release Invasion in September as well. A question I get often is will Invasion be the last book in the First Colony series. My answer is an emphatic NO! I intend to keep writing stories in the First Colony universe for years to come. However, this won’t be the only series that I’ll be writing in.

This has been a lengthy update, but I had a lot I wanted to share with you and there is one more thing. The audiobook for Insurgent – First Colony Book 10 is nearing completion and will be available in the next 30 days.

As always, thank you for reading my work. If you have any questions for me, post them here or send me an email. I'm an avid reader too, so if you have book recommendations for me I'd love to hear about them. I just finished reading The Robots of Dawn, by Isaac Asimov and really enjoyed it. I'm currently reading The Engima Cube, by Douglas E. Richards.


3 thoughts on “Free book in June

  1. Dear Ken, thanks for posting about your progress, I’m very happy to hear you will continue to write first colony series! Honestly, Connor’s story is so nice so eveytime I start a new book it’s like meeting an old dear friend. You asked about some books to share; can I assume you read Hyperion series & the Forever War already? Both are master pieces for me. In line with those books, I’m really happy to see that you are also exploring epic stories in the vast space…

    1. Hi Oz,

      Thank you. I’ve read Forever War. I was blown away by that book, especially the second half. I haven’t read the Hyperion series, but I have heard of it. I’ll add it to my list.

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