March Madness 2019

This is my first official blog entry. 

Why start a blog after all this time? The reason is quite simple. Why not. 

The only social media platform I’m really active on is Facebook, but I do understand that not everyone is on that particular platform. Therefore, I decided to start this blog as another way to connect with anyone interested in my work.


I plan to update this blog at least once a month. I’ll include the current status of my current projects and what I hope to accomplish that month. 

I am a big proponent of setting goals and working to achieve them. This blog is another way for me to be accountable for the goals I’m working toward. I also have a writer friend who I regularly exchange emails with where we share what we’ve done that day. This has the added bonus of not burdening my wife with a look what I did today aren’t you proud of me. 

So with that, I’ll move on to the next part of this entry which is my status update.


Vigilance – First Colony book 7 is currently going through the final editing and revision stages. I anticipate that this book will be released before the end of March. 

Vigilance – First Colony book 7 will be made into an audiobook, but production does not begin on that until the book is actually published. Typically this process has taken 2 to 3 months, and it also depends on the narrator’s schedule. Scott Aiello is the narrator for the First Colony series and has done an excellent job.

I look forward to what he’ll do with Vigilance.

I’m currently working on the 8th book in the First Colony series, and I plan to begin writing it by the end of this month. Probably before that but sometimes it’s nice to have a bit of a cushion.

So there you have it. I plan for my blog entries to be short and sweet… Well short anyway.

That’s it for now. If you have any questions or comments, please put them in below or send me an email.

8 thoughts on “March Madness 2019

  1. I’m looking at being the first commenter!! Woohoo!!
    OK, now on a serious note now, I’ve been hooked since the first book of the First Colony series so I cannot wait until Vigilance comes out. I love to read for the pure enjoyment of being immersed in a spectacular world with a fun, ongoing adventure, a huge cast of amazing characters and those mysterious unknowns. You have given that to me with this series. I don’t look at analyzing every aspect of tech, deep intriguing meaning or any other thing that makes my head hurt. I just want to enjoy the storytelling and you provide all that and more. Speedy writing and thank you for the journeys!

  2. Glad to hear the blog is going on here rather than Facebook, much more accessible! Looking forward to hearing the progress reports, I’m very impressed at the speed you manage to publish such high quality stories.

    Can’t wait for #7 to drop, expecting to not be able to put it down just like the rest!

  3. Hi Ken:

    Good series. I look forward to a lot of books from you. Been reading sci fi for over 40years. I cut my teeth on the Golden Age of sci fi. I had a teacher in middle school that gave me two huge boxes of 1920s through 1940s books of sci fi. You writing remind me of a lot of the early writers that wrote about space and what is “out there”. Keep up the good work

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